Japanese Spitz breed guide

The Japanese Spitz is a small to medium breed of dog of the Spitz type. The Japanese Spitz is a companion dog and pet. There are varying standards around the world as to the ideal size of the breed, but they are always larger than their smaller cousins, the Pomeranian. They were developed in Japan in the 1920s and 30s by breeding a number of other Spitz type dog breeds together. They are recognized by the vast majority of the major kennel clubs, except the American Kennel Club due to it being similar appearance to the white Pomeranian dog, American Eskimo Dog and Samoyed Dog. While they are a relatively new breed, they are becoming widely popular due to their favorable temperament and other features.


Japanese Spitz temperament

The Japanese Spitz is first and foremost a companion dog and thrives on human contact and attention, preferring to be a member of the family. They are known as very loyal dogs, that can also show strong determination and have an independence of their own. They enjoy being active and love to be in the outdoors. They are intelligent, playful, alert, and obedient, and particularly excellent and loving toward children.


In the past they were bred as a little watch dog for apartment living.   It is totally acceptable and normal for a stable, well-adjusted and socialised Japanese Spitz to still be somewhat coy and reserved upon meeting strangers in the first instance. They should warm to visitors when they are welcomed into the home. Today Breeding Programs are striving to lessen the wariness in the breed. It is a fault if this cautious nature is extreme and if the Japanese Spitz is so reserved they are afraid and/or have tendencies to lash out. They should be loyal with family, bright and friendly.  This comes down to a mixture of good breeding and committed socialisation in the first 6mths.




Japanese Spitz can tolerate cold weather, but as it was bred as a companion dog, prefers to live in the house with the warmth of its human family. Though they can live in apartments, they need ample time running around outside off-leash in a safe environment.


Despite the appearance of the Japanese Spitz’s pure white coat, they are in fact a low-maintenance breed. They are very clean dogs and do not have a doggy odor. Due to the texture of their coat, mud and dirt falls off or can be brushed out very easily. However, due to the breed's thick coat, regular brushing is essential. They blow their coats once a year, but like most dogs shed minimally all year round.


The Japanese Spitz's coat is relatively dry compared to other breeds. Some sources state that the breed should not be bathed more frequently than once every two months, as bathing and shampoo strips the natural oil and moisture from their coat. This can cause skin sensitivity and itchiness. Their coat should be groomed twice a week using a pin brush that reaches to the undercoat, preventing formation of knots. Grooming this breed is relatively easy in contrast to other dog breeds.


Photo Aust Champion Maemuki Bonfire Heart owned by Kate Pinker - Courtesy of Leah Kimmet, Havenden Japanese Spitz. 



Source: Wikipedia

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