Affenpinscher breed guide

Affenpinschers have a distinct appearance that some associate with terriers. They are different from terriers, however, in that they are actually part of the pinscher-schnauzer of group 2 in the FCI classification and so often get along with other dogs and pets. They are active, adventurous, curious, and stubborn, but they are also fun-loving and playful. The breed is confident, lively, affectionate towards family members and is also very protective of them. This loyal little dog enjoys being with its family. It needs consistent, firm training since some can be quite difficult to housebreak. This type of dog easily becomes bored, so training should be varied. The affenpinscher has a terrier-like personality.


Affenpinschers are somewhat territorial when it comes to their toys and food, so they are not recommended for homes with very small children. This dog is mostly quiet, but can become very excited if attacked or threatened, and shows no fear toward any aggressor. It is best suited for a family who likes a show and has a sense of humor.


Affenpinschers often appear on lists of dogs that allegedly do not shed (moult). However, every hair shaft in the dog coat grows from a hair follicle. Each shaft has a cycle of growing, then dying and being replaced by another shaft. When the hair shaft dies, the hair is shed. The length of time of the growing and shedding cycle varies by breed, age, and by whether the dog is an inside or outside dog. There is no such thing as a non-shedding breed.

Source: Wikipedia

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