Chinese Crested breed guide

The Chinese crested dog is a hairless breed of dog. Like most hairless dog breeds, the Chinese crested comes in two varieties, both with and without fur, which are born in the same litter: the Powderpuff and the Hairless.


Both varieties require certain amounts of grooming. The Powderpuff is entirely covered with a double, very soft, straight coat. Although a Puff's coat does not continuously grow, it can grow to be quite long at full length. A weekly bath & frequent brushing will help prevent matting. For an optimal coat, never brush when dry or dirty. A lite spray of water, or grooming spray to their coat is recommended before brushing. Many choose to shave their Puff in a "Pony Cut" leaving long hair on bottom of legs, tail, head and crest for an easy care coat. Puff's are very clean and have no doggie odor. This breed has "little to no shedding".


Maintenance of the Hairless variety's skin is similar to maintaining human skin—and as such it can be susceptible to acne, dryness, and sunburn. Hypoallergenic or oil-free moisturizing cream can keep the skin from becoming too dry when applied every other day or after bathing. Burning can occur in regions that are subject to strong UV radiation, especially in lighter-skinned dogs. Many owners apply baby sunscreen to their pets before spending time in strong sun. Some Cresteds have skin allergies to Lanolin, so be cautious when using any products that contain it.


Unless the dog is a "True" Hairless (one with virtually no hair growth on non-extremities), trimming and/or shaving is often performed to remove excess hair growth.


The Chinese crested is further distinguished by its hare foot, (having more elongated toes) as opposed to the cat foot common to most other dogs. Because of this the quicks of Cresteds run deeper into their nails, so care must be taken not to trim the nails too short to avoid pain and bleeding.


Powderpuffs enjoy getting outdoors for daily exercise, although they are not a high energy breed. They are great for apartment or city living, but being very versatile, also love country living and long hikes.


Being a very intelligent breed, this dog does well in obedience type sports. Consistency is a must, however this breed can be relatively sensitive and should have a gentle trainer.  The Chinese crested is great at learning and performing tricks.


Source: Wikipedia

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