Maine Coon breed guide

Maine Coon cats are known for their size, intelligence and gentle, playful personalities which makes them very popular with families. They get on well with children and other pets but don’t always want to have a cuddle or sit on someone’s lap. They love the water and can be good swimmers, they are good climbers and love to sit in a high position and observe the world.

The ideal owner for a Maine Coon cat

The Maine Coon will be happiest as part of a family who will love it and play with it. Maine Coons enjoy being around children and other family pets but they do need someone who is prepared to clean up hair as they do shed. They are a companionable cat making an excellent companion for a single adult to whom they become closely bonded.  


 Maine Coon cat grooming and training

The Maine Coons coat is long and flowing but is generally manageable because the coat is soft and glossy.  To keep it in top condition they do need to be brushed once a week for about 10 minutes.   Some owners say that the coat never mats while others report that even with regular brushing the coat tends to mat so grooming requirements may vary from one cat to another.   Maine Coons have a light density undercoat which means the fur is thicker in winter and they will shed this at the start of the hotter months.

These cats are smart and they know it! They can be trained to come when called and to do tricks. They are easily trained to walk in a harness.

How much space and exercise does a Maine Coon cat need?

The Main Coon loves interactive play with their owners. This, along with a large fully enclosed yard where they can run and an interesting garden will make them happy. If a large yard is not available cat trees and perches are a good alternative. They must not be allowed to run free, as they very quickly travel long distances and can be stolen, or come to harm.

Exercise is important so that they don’t get soft. They rarely become overweight, unless they are bored, as they seem to have good control over their appetite.


Maine Coon Fun facts

Some Main Coons have a condition called Polydactylism. They may have one or more extra toes on each paw however because they are so hairy people don’t often notice. Some registering bodies don't recognise polydactyl Maine Coons either for breeding or showing - and others impose an upper limit (often 7) on the number of toes/foot acceptable for both breeding and showing.

Potential health issues in Maine Coon cats

Always enquire about the general health and DNA testing history of the parents of the kitten you are buying. 


The following health issues have been seen in the breed:

Hip dysplasia, which in severe cases can cause lameness.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease that is inherited in Maine Coons. A DNA-based test is available to identify cats that carry one of the mutations that causes the disease.

Polycystic kidney disease, a slowly progressive heritable kidney disease that can result in renal failure. A DNA test is also available for this.
Spinal muscular atrophy, a genetic disorder that affects skeletal muscles of the trunk and limbs. A test is available to identify carriers and affected kittens.

Main Coon Cat FAQ's

How much does a Maine Coon cat cost?  

At least $1,000 and easily up to $3,000+ (AUD) for a pet in Australia.  In the US, the average price from a registered breeder with all health checks is around $1500 (US).  The price for a maine coon in the UK averages around 900 (GBP) and can go as high as 1500 (GBP).


Are Maine Coon cats good pets?  

If you like a companionable cat that isn't noisy, overactive or demanding!


Do Maine Coon cats shed a lot? 

Quite a lot, especially in spring.


Are Maine Coons affectionate?  
Moderately.  They are quite playful which is what makes them such a great pet for families.

Are Maine Coon Cats smart?   

Yes.  They can be taught tricks like hi-five, shake hands, rubbing noses.


Do Maine coons get on with other cats?   
Yes, they are very accepting of other pets, and don't become aggressive if the other pet doesn't like them!


Thankyou to Truda Straede, Nintu Cattery, for help with information and photos and also special thanks for the gorgeous photos courtesy of Simone Granger -  Monty & O'Malley, and Tammy Dillon - Vakker Maine Coons


Check our listings for Kittens for sale here and click on the links to our breeders below to go to their profile page.  You can also search for responsible Maine Coon Breeders by location. 


If you are a small scale registered breeder and would like to be listed here, just contact us or follow a few simple steps .


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