SYRECKS British Shorthairs

British Shorthair Cat Breeder - Cockatoo, VIC

I purchased my first seal point siamese cat in 1965. From there on I have owned and bred Siamese, Orientals, Foreign Whites, Cornish and Devon Rex, Sphynx, British and Burmese.

I obtained my all Shorthair Judges Licence over 30 years ago and have judged in most parts of Australia and New Zealand. As well as Judging, I have been a tutor judge with the FCCV I am proud to be a member of the Feline Control Council Vic and the CCCA.

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Get in touch

Location: Cockatoo, Melbourne, VIC
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Supply/Source: RB 100300


Breeder - Cats
For: Cats - British Shorthair
Perfect Pets verified
Perfect Pets
Member since 2022