Shawtop Persians - Persian Breeder - Gold Coast

Persian Cat Breeder - Coombabah, QLD

Pet and breeding kittens sometimes available. We specialise in vans and bi-colours, working with top international lines. We do NOT breed solid white, Exotics (Shorthair Persians),Himalayan (Colour Points), or any other solid colour such as Red, Cream, Black or Blue. However, we do breed BiColours (this is any colour with white).

We do NOT breed for Christmas, birthdays, or in 2 weeks time. We have a small select program, and do not have many litters a year. We want our babies to go to strictly indoor homes only! You must be willing to take care of our coat, and care for our eyes daily. Pets are forever, even when you move house.

Shawtop Persians - Home of 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2013 National Exhibit.

This profile viewed by 14.3k pet lovers

Get in touch

0406 295 790
Location: Coombabah, Gold Coast, QLD
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Shawtop Persians
Clubs & Assoc: Queensland Feline Association Inc


Breeder - Cats
For: Cats - Persian
Perfect Pets verified
Perfect Pets
Member since 2015