Natmac Burmese - Registered Pedigree Burmese Cat Kitten Breeder - Perth, WA Western Australia
Burmese Cat Breeder - WA
Hobby Breeder, Registered Breeders of High Quality Pedigree Burmese Kittens and Cats. We are small boutique hobby breeders of the beautiful Burmese cats. Our kittens are a home reared, super; loving, beautiful, sweet, gentle, cuddly, playful, friendly, cheeky and healthy. Our cats are well socialized, sometimes with other animals.
We have allot of love and attention given to our kittens and cats and space to have our kittens and cats inside our house, we have outdoor cat runs for our older breeding cats still getting our love and attention as well (when not breeding) but when there are kittens and raising kittens they are inside. Our Natmac kittys get loads of our attention and cuddles in our house. Natmac Burmese Kittens Cats Hobby Small Breeders Perth, WA, Specialize in breeding Brown, Chocolate and the occasional Lilac and Blue colour Burmese kittens cats.
Natmac kittens cats come with or are; sterilised, microchipped, registered pedigree papers, vaccinations x 1, vet checked few times, wormed & flea treated regularly, Health guarantee, Contract, full kitten guide and information, all records and more information in a hard folder, food samples, toy, blanket with other litter mates smells on, free 6 weeks pet insurance (kitten) & royal canin pack (if available) and more.
Our breeding cats are tested for known Burmese Breed and cat disease, other tests when needed, vaccinated and Natmac are Inhouse / Closed Breeding (only use our breeding cats, no outside cats used). This is an expensive hobby but we Love Cats and Burmese. We are Not a Business or Not a Cattery.
Only to the BEST homes not necessarily the First, Yes we are fussy where our kittens go. Rare for us to have a kitten available. We have a Waiting List.
Please email us today for more information and to go on our Waiting List or you might miss out! Open by appointment only. Contact us for updates on us and breeding via Email. Please note this is our Hobby so we may take a few days to reply if we are busy thank you.
Please visit our website and facebook page for updates or contact Natalie via Email with any inquiries and information on you and your family who you live with including ages, home own or rent, suburb, other animals ages and sexes, work hours all you live with, travel plans and more, thank you Natalie.
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