Majestic Paws Bengal Cats - Ballarat, VIC

Bengal Cat Breeder - Victoria

Since I was little I have always had a passion and love for cats. I think it's in my blood. I love all cats ranging from Tigers, Leopards, Ocelots, Lynx, Snow Leopards just to name a few so it's no wonder I love the Bengal Breed.

Bengal Cats
Are well known for their wild cat appearance with stunning markings similar to leopards. Bengal cats are the result of a cross between a wild Asian leopard cat and a domestic cat.

Bengals are extremely intelligent, energetic, exquisite, some love playing in water, can jump very high three times their length in fact, live a very active lifestyle, can be very verbal chatty cats, exceptional hunters hence why an indoor lifestyle is ideal.

Certainly not a lap cat but are known to be affectionate and show love to their owners. Research is always recommended prior making a Bengal apart of your family to ensure they are the right fit for your family. They really are incredible pets.

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Location: Victoria
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Prefix: MajesticPaws Bengals
Supply/Source: MB101406


Breeder - Cats
For: Cats - Bengal
Perfect Pets verified
Conducts health checks
Perfect Pets
Member since 2020