Gypsylinc Kennels - Australian Sheperds and Papillon Breeder - North East Adelaide, SA

Australian Shepherd, Papillon Dog Breeder - Highbury, SA

We are a small home based Registered breeder of Australian Shepherds and Papillons in North East Adelaide. We enjoy competing in the show and obedience rings and strive to produce happy healthy pups raised in our home with kids cats and other dogs to set them up for their lives ahead.

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Get in touch

Location: Highbury, Adelaide, SA
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Gypsylinc


Breeder - Dogs
Perfect Pets verified
Conducts health checks
Perfect Pets
Member since 2020

Our standards & practices

Health testing & screening

Question. Do you health test appropriately (eg hip and elbow X-ray scoring, DNA testing), and understand the genetic issues that may affect your breed? If your breed is prone to health issues, what are they, and what testing practices do you have in place?
Answer. Yes.Yes. All my dogs have full DNA panels done along with Eye, hip and elbows And knees for the paps.

Preparation & socialisation

Question. Do you ensure that your puppies are properly socialised?
Answer. Yes.I follow the Puppy culture protocols as much as possible

Placement & matching

Question. Is making sure your puppies go to the right homes a priority? How do you ensure they are placed in loving, responsible homes?
Answer. Yes.Absolutely, I have long conversations with people to makesure they understand the breed they are wanting and that it’s the right fit for them. If I don’t feel it’s right then I am happy to help them filing the right fit.
Question. Do you have any of the following: conditions of sale, health guarantee or warranty, de-sexing agreement, a buyer questionnaire, verbal or personal interview?
Answer. Yes.I have a contract that states anyone that needs to regime one of my pups must contact me first so I can help or take the dog back. I do face to face or phone interviews to makesure I understand what the people are looking for in a pet so I can match them with the right puppy.

Ongoing support

Question. Do you offer ongoing support?
Answer. Yes.Absolutely, am always available to chat and answer questions or take the dog back if needed.
Question. Do you assist the buyer with re-homing an animal that was purchased from you if they are unable to keep it?
Answer. Yes.