GRANT - Greyhound Rehoming Association Northern Territory

Greyhound Pet Rescue & Adoption, Animal welfare - Nightcliff, NT

GRANT assists the Darwin greyhound racing industry by providing owners and trainers with the option of having their animals re-homed as pets once the dog's racing days are over. This usually occurs at age 2-3 years. The dog is assessed by GRANT to see if the dog will be suitable as a family pet. The dogs are tested for amiability towards people and are also small dog tested before they are accepted into the program. Some dogs are even cat tested, but going down that path largely depends on the dog and the foster homes available at the time.

Once the dogs are accepted into the program, they are desexed, microchipped (if not already), vet checked and given any medical treatments that may be required. They are then placed into appropriate foster homes and socialised with a wide range of dogs, people and situations. From then on, it becomes a hunt for that pooches perfect owner. When the dog is ready, we advertise it for adoption. Adoptees get a well behaved, young, healthy dog with plenty of pet-years left.

People often have misconceptions regarding greyhounds. They think that they are highly strung, need lots of exercise, wear muzzles because they are vicious and are not safe around other animals or children. Nothing could be further from the truth! Greyhounds are very gentle dogs and do not require a lot of effort other than lots of love. We don't think it's a bad price to pay... how about you?

The Greyhound Rehoming Association of the NT (GRANT) is a non-for-profit organisation, dedicated to find homes for retired racers.

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Get in touch

0401 361 212
Location: Casuarina Drive, Nightcliff, Darwin, NT


Adoption, Rescue & Welfare
Dogs - Greyhound
Perfect Pets
Member since 2016