Finnegon Scottish Terriers

Scottish Terrier Dog Breeder - Rosedale, VIC

We are a small breeding kennel breeding healthy pups of good temperament and correct confirmation. Our pups are well socialised and raised in a family environment. Our pups are sold with Victorian Limited Register papers, as we believe that generations of proved breeding is important.

Our aim is to breed healthy happy active Scotties - vWD free kennel.

Pups are only occasionally available.

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Get in touch

Location: Rosedale, VIC
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Finnegon
Supply/Source: RB100866
Clubs & Assoc: Scottish Terrier Club Victoria


Breeder - Dogs
For: Dogs - Scottish Terrier
Perfect Pets verified
Perfect Pets
Member since 2023