Bokson - Griffon Bruxellois Breeder - Perth, WA

Griffon Bruxellois Dog Breeder - WA

We have been exhibiting and breeding the cute little Griffon Bruxellois dogs for the last 25+ years. These little dogs are such great characters, very robust in nature yet love a cuddle and tummy rub whenever they can get it. A joy to own.

All our puppies are raised in the house with plenty of human interaction, noises, etc. Nothing is hidden from them so that when they are ready for their new adventures with their forever families they are outgoing and ready to explore their new world !!

Feel free to contact either Sue on 0407 070 051 or Brian on 0417 902 648 or drop us an email to: [email protected] for any further information, puppy availability etc.

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Location: WA
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Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Bokson
Clubs & Assoc: Dogs West - Membership number 6007169910


Breeder - Dogs
For: Dogs - Griffon Bruxellois
Perfect Pets verified
Perfect Pets
Member since 2015