Argowan - Whippets and Scottish Terriers

Scottish Terrier Dog Breeder - Murrumbateman, NSW

We have been breeding and exhibiting dogs for over 40 years and have more than 75 Champions in Hounds and Terriers, including Best In Show and specialty BIS winners

All our puppies are reared as naturally as possible in our home, alongside other dogs, young children and cats. We sometimes have puppies available after we have chosen our show puppies. We do not allow puppies to leave before 10 weeks of age, as we like them to stay with their mum for longer, to help ensure manners are learnt.

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Get in touch

Location: Murrumbateman, NSW
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Argowan


Breeder - Dogs
For: All Pets Dogs - Scottish Terrier
Perfect Pets verified
Conducts health checks
Perfect Pets
Member since 2016