ALLANNETTE Australian Silky Terriers

Australian Silky Terrier Dog Breeder - Yeerongpilly, QLD

In 1983 I started the Allannette Prefix. I enjoyed 30 years of breeding and exhibiting Silkies with considerable success here in Australia and also internationally.

After a ten-year break I decided to resurrect the Allannette Prefix. I am very happy to welcome Kristina Pastiu to Allannette Kennel. Kristina hails from Croatia where she bred and exhibited Australian Silky Terriers under the Aussie Dream Prefix.

My love of the breed is shared by Kristina and I am proud to have her as my partner. Together we look forward to breeding some lovely line bred Silkies.

Annette Collins & Kristina Pastiu

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us, we will gladly answer all of your questions.

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Location: Yeerongpilly, Brisbane, QLD
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Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Allannette
Supply/Source: BIN0005233638288


Breeder - Dogs
Perfect Pets verified
Perfect Pets
Member since 2022