Mini Lop Rabbit Breeders - Victoria

I am a registered breeder with TVRAI under the prefix 'Ribbontail'. All my rabbits are fully vaccinated to reduce the risk of diseases in my rabbitry and their hutches all have flynetting. They are pets first and are allowed plenty of time outside their hutches.

I'm currently focusing on tan patterns with my buck Bedlam BlackJack winning 'Best Tan Pattern Mini Lop'. My rabbits are super clean and the same buck won 'Best Presented - Short Hair'.

I rarely have babies available to pet homes because show breeders get priority. I will not sell to pet breeders who will ruin my lines.
Indoor homes that will desex and vaccinate their rabbits are preferred.

All my rabbits will come with a lifetime of support, transitional food and a care guide. Please note that babies do not come vaccinated, I am happy to recommend an affordable vet.

Photo credit to BunnyBotanica apart from the two with my logo on it.

Thanks for reading and have a fabulous day.

Breeder Questionnaire

Question. Are you currently a member of an approved rabbit show/hopping club? If yes, which one/s?
Question. Do you health test appropriately? Eg:- no discharge from eyes, nose, mouth, ears, bottom area, active, eating, and drinking well and healthy.?
Question. Do you take all precautions to reduce the risk of contraction of calicci virus and/or myxomatosis eg:- fly wired all hutches, minimising the risk of mosquitoes and insects into your rabbitry?
Question. Do you lice/mite/worm/flea treat and trim nails of all rabbits before selling?
Question. Do you sell your babies at 8 weeks and over as recommended?
Question. Do you offer a care information sheet and ongoing support to new owners?
Question. Do you assist the buyer with re-homing an animal that was purchased from you if they are unable to keep it?
Question. Do you discuss care, desexing, housing issues when selling your rabbits?

Rabbit Breeders in Victoria

Phone: 0415277247
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