Birds Pet Minding & Boarding, Day Care, Pet Accessories, Pet Supplies, Online Pet Supplies, Pet Accessories - Bonogin, QLD

Do you need a guilt free holiday?

Leave your precious birds with understanding and knowledgeable parrot carers. We provide quality care for your pet birds, including clean housing, healthy diet, enrichment and interaction.

- We board from Small to Large birds.

- We provide the one on one care that your bird requires.

- We require all parrots to be health checked by a qualified Avian Veterinarian.

Boarding Rates are $18 for Small birds, $20 for Medium birds and $25 for Large birds. Discounted rates are available if you are boarding more than one bird and when boarding over 4 weeks.

We are Located in Bonogin, Gold Coast, Queensland. Please visit our website or email us for more detailed information.

Pet Minding & Boarding, Day Care in Bonogin, Gold Coast, QLDPet Accessories, Pet Supplies in Bonogin, Gold Coast, QLDOnline Pet Supplies, Pet Accessories in Bonogin, Gold Coast, QLD

Phone: 07 5569 2840
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