Jive Bunnies - Mini Lop Rabbit Breeder - Sydney

Mini Lop, Rabbits Rabbit Breeder - NSW

Here at Jive Bunnies we breed wonderful Mini Lops. All our bunnies are pedigreed and have wonderful temperaments. We live on the outskirts of Sydney on 3 acres and we also breed exotic chickens and waterfowl so we are always busy outdoors. We welcome visitors most weekends and some evenings by appointment, and love to help anyone purchase their bunny, whether it is from us or from another registered breeder.

For more information about Mini Lops or our breeding please visit our website. For further enquiries please call or send a message.

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Get in touch

0410 633 668
Location: NSW
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Jive Bunnies
Clubs & Assoc: RFSNSW


Breeder - Rabbits
Breeder - Small Pets
For Rabbits - Mini LopSmall Animals - Rabbits