Rodents - Rats, Mice Breeder - Small Animals - Geelong, VIC

A small scale rattery based in Geelong Victoria Australia. Our aim is to breed healthy and friendly pet rats. Since 2006. We are currently specializing in breeding in Rex coat, BEW, Downunder but will also have others available.

Rats make great pets! They are clean, extremely smart, very social and have PERSONALITY PLUS! Unlike mice and other small pets, rats enjoy interacting with their human owners; playing, snuggling and grooming.

Domesticated rats are as different from wild rats as maltise shitzu are from wolves. Rats are one of the closest pets to a dog you'll find.

Rats live for an average of 2-3 years, but have been known to live for longer. When choosing a rat, it is best to have more than one of the same sex; as one is likely to become timid, depressed, antisocial and more susceptible to illness.

Why from a Breeder?
A lot of people do not know the differences from buying a rat from a breeder compared to a pet shop. It is no different to buying a puppy in the same comparison. There are Pros and Cons from getting your little friend from both. Although the Breeder far outweighs the Pet store.

The Pros of the Pet store:
Usually cheaper, easier and more convenient.

The Cons of the Pet store:
Unsure of the rat's history, health problems and temperament. A lot of Pet stores are not fussy about the condition of rats such as if they are heavily inbred, have no history/poor history or even show aggression. They rely on people who impulse buy or do not know rats can come from breeders.

The Pros of the Breeder:
Knows the history, health background and temperament. Knows more about how to keep healthy and happy ratties. More variety in colours, patterns and Coats. Are kept in better conditions with larger cages and proper food. Rats are handled and given more attention. Breeders are more likely to answer your questions with more accuracy and detail. Most breeders (such as this one) breed for the love of the animal, to better the health and temperament and to continue to project a positive image of rats as pets.

The Cons of the Breeder:
Some Breeders breed for snake food as well as pets, therefore there isn't that focus on bettering the animal. Breeders do not always have babies available when needed/wanted and waiting lists are common. The buyer may need to travel a lot further to get their rat from the breeder as opposed to going to the pet shop around the corner.

Do your research, do not be afraid to ask questions and make a careful decision on where you get your little friend from. For more information please visit our website and facebook page and don't hesitate to contact us.

Breeder - Small Animals in Geelong, Geelong, VIC

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