Chewbies - Natural Dog Food and Treats - Corowa, NSW

Pet Food & Stock Feed Suppliers - Corowa, NSW

New Chewbies are 100% Australian, 100% natural and pack a wallop of pure pork flavour your dog will love to eat. Chewbies come in smaller bite sizes so every dog from the tiniest terrier to the boofiest bowser can wrap a happy jaw around them.

No no no to the nasties - no artificial colours, no artificial flavours, no preservatives, no nothing that isn't 100% natural and wholesome.
Yes yes yes to the good stuff - high in protein, low in salt, naturally oven dried to lock in pure pork flavour, and rich in the good stuff that helps keeps your dog healthy.

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0411 170 222
Location: Redlands Road, Corowa, Corowa, NSW


Food - Pet Food, Stock Feed, Nutrition
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Perfect Pets
Member since 2016