Beau Rabbit Stud - Rabbit Breeder, Pet Boarding - Blue Mountains, NSW

Dwarf Lop, English Spot, Netherland Dwarf, Silver Fox, Smoke Pearl, Tri Coloured Dutch, Mini Rex, Rabbits Rabbit Breeder - Faulconbridge, NSW

At Beau Rabbits we specialise in pure bred, and rare rabbit breeds. Dwarf Lops, German Lops, Mini Rex, Polish, Dutch, Tri Coloured Dutch, English Spot, Satin, Silver Fox, Smoke Pearls. We also board small animals.

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Get in touch

Location: 6 Bellevue Road, Faulconbridge, NSW
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Beau Rabbit Stud
Clubs & Assoc: Blue Mountains Rabbit Club Rabbit Breeders Association of NSW Australian Show Rabbit Council Rabbit Fanciers of NSW Rabbit Exhibitors and Breeders Society


Breeder - Rabbits
Boarding, Pet Minding, Day Care
Breeder - Small Pets
For: Rabbits - Dwarf Lop - English Spot - Netherland Dwarf - Silver Fox - Smoke Pearl - Tri Coloured Dutch - Mini RexSmall Animals - Rabbits
Conducts health checks
Perfect Pets
Member since 2015

Our standards & practices

registration - rabbit

Question. Are you currently a member of an approved rabbit show/hopping club? If yes, which one/s?
Answer. Yes.Blue Mountains Rabbit Club; Rabbit Hopping Club of Australia; Rabbit Exhibitors & Breeders Spociety; Rabbit Breeding Association of NSW; Australian Show Rabbit Council

Health testing & screening

Question. Do you health test appropriately? Eg:- no discharge from eyes, nose, mouth, ears, bottom area, active, eating, and drinking well and healthy.?
Answer. Yes.All animals are health checked weekly physically.
Question. Do you take all precautions to reduce the risk of contraction of calicci virus and/or myxomatosis eg:- fly wired all hutches, minimising the risk of mosquitoes and insects into your rabbitry?
Answer. Yes.All rabbits are kept in an airconditioned rabbitry. Outside runs are mosquito netted. Mint and other natural insect repellent plants are grown around the rabbitry. No one is allowed in without being sprayed with anti bacterial and anti fungal. we take biosecurity serious.
Question. Do you lice/mite/worm/flea treat and trim nails of all rabbits before selling?
Answer. Yes.

babies over 8 weeks

Question. Do you sell your babies at 8 weeks and over as recommended?
Answer. Yes.

information and support rabbits

Question. Do you offer a care information sheet and ongoing support to new owners?
Answer. Yes.We offer a class in Basic Rabbit Care which is approved by Animal Care Australia, Springwood Vet Clinic and The Rabbit Sanctuary.
Question. Do you assist the buyer with re-homing an animal that was purchased from you if they are unable to keep it?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you discuss care, desexing, housing issues when selling your rabbits?
Answer. Yes.Covered in information sheets, the Basic Care Course, and in person. We also offer anytime back up service answering calls about any problems or concerns the new owners may have.