Animal Allied Health - Daw Park, SA

Dr. Chris Hume-Phillips has been providing qualified human & animal chiropractic care for 30 years. Currently practicing out of Clovelly Park, and at Adelaide Plains Vet(Two Wells) - (see website for details). Preference is given to using a mechanical adjusting instrument, instead of manual adjusting, as dogs tend to tolerate this better in the long run, with the same results. The focus is on improving spinal biomechanics, and suits a variety of conditions and scenarios. These include, arthritis, disc issues, congenital spinal problems, gait issues (wobbly gaits, lameness, improving showdog tracking etc). More than happy to work in with your vet. All breeds of dogs seen, ranging from Chihuahua's, up to Irish Wolfhounds. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch (email, Facebook, phone).

Dr. Chris' qualifications include; B. Sc(Anatomy) - UNSW, Masters of Chiropractic(Macq), Grad Dip Animal Chiro(RMIT), past lecturer (9yrs) at RMIT animal chiro course, recent past lecturer at the Australian Chiropractic College.

Animal Allied Health in 89a Winston Avenue, Daw Park, Adelaide, SA

Phone: 08 8277 6866
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