Human Foods Dogs Can't Eat




Most of us get the urge to share some of our meal or snack with our pup, especially when you have those pleading eyes staring up at you.  While some human foods are fine, snacking can not only lead to weight problems, and there area a number of human foods that are actually quite toxic to dogs. Check the foods below so you have a better idea of what's ok for your pup and what's not. Please note this is not a complete list so please check before you feed your dog any human food that you're not 100% sure about.


Grapes, Raisins, Sultanas and Currants

Definitely keep your dog away from grapes.  The actual substance that makes grapes, sultanas and raisins so toxic for dogs is not known but it can lead to kidney failure in dogs.  This means christmas cake is not an option for your pup.



Can dogs eat peanuts?  The answer is yes.  Peanuts are not actually nuts but legumes and are quite safe for dogs, though they have high levels of fat, and too many at once can give your dog an upset stomach.  Dogs also love peanut butter and it's often in dog treats but the added sugar salts and other ingredients can make peanut butter a less favourable option for dogs. Other nuts are generally not recommended.  Macadamias, for example, are one of the human foods dogs can't eat.


Macadamia Nuts, Nuts

Macadamia nuts are a no no for dogs.  Macadamias can be quite toxic and cause weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors and hyperthermia in dogs.  If a dog eats macadamias they will usually get signs of toxicity within 12 hours, and lasting for up to two days.   Other types of nuts such as almonds are not recommended and walnuts, almonds and pecans are very fatty and can potentially cause pancreatitis.  Signs that your dog has eaten too many nuts include vomiting and diaorrhea.  See more about nuts that are not recommended for dogs here.




Can Dogs eat Chocolate?  No to chocolate as well. Choclate contains theobromine (a methlyzanthine) which is toxic to dogs. The level of toxicity caused if a dog eats chocolate is dependent on the type of chocolate the dog has eaten, how much, and the size of the dog.  Dark chocolate is more dangerous than milk chocolate.  Symptoms of toxicity include increased thirst, panting,  restlessness, vomiting and diaorrhea, excessive urination, a racing heart rate, and muscle spasms.


Milk and Dairy

Dairy products are an interesting one given that cheese is often recommended as a treat or reward during training.  Because dogs do not have sufficient amounts of the enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk (lactase), dairy products can cause diaorrhea and an upset stomach so it is not recommeded, or should only be given sparingly.



Persin, an ingredient in the skin and leaves of avocado can be toxic to animals - particularly horses, cattle, goats, rabbits and birds. Persin can cause gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhoea, respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the tissues of the heart and even death. While dogs and cats are not as susceptible as these other animals, avacados are still something to be aware of.  If dogs eat a significant amount of avocado flesh and peel they may get an upset stomach upset.  The ASPCA points out that the large slippery seed is potentially life threatening as it poses a major choking hazard.



A lot of people ask if dogs can eat oranges and the answer is yes, but oranges might give your dog an upset stomach if they're not used to it or eat too much. Oranges aren't toxic to dogs but the acidity and high levels of sugar might not agree with them.  If your dog has a taste for oranges - just make sure they only eat them in moderation. 


Onions, Garlic and Chives

These vegetables contain a substance that can cause gastrointestinal irritation and lead to red blood cell damage and a form of anaemia in dogs. Garlic and chives contain the same substance but in smaller amounts.


Coffee or Products Containing Caffeine

Caffeine in large doses can be fatal for dogs without treatment. Symptoms of caffeine poisoning include restlessness, muscle tremors, rapid breathing, and heart palpitations.  Remember that tea includes


Other Nasties Dogs Might Like to Eat But Shouldn't...

The RSPCA also lists mouldy or spoiled foods or compost, bread dough, yeast dough,  mango seeds, apricot stones, corncobs; green unripe tomatoes, mushrooms; fish constantly, cooked bones; small pieces of raw bone, fatty trimmings/ fatty foods, Salt,  Xylitol (artificial sweetener). Also make sure that your dog doesn't get access to the pads that soak up fluid and blood on meat trays and the string from rolled roasts.


If your dog is unwell and you're concerned about something they've eaten contact your local vet as soon as possible.  Also find lists of emergency vets and mobile vets near you.



Bureau of Animal Welfare