Australian Mist breed guide

The Australian Mist (formerly known as the Spotted Mist) is a breed of cat developed in Australia. This carefully crafted breed of delicately spotted and marbled cats is tops for temperament, full of love and fun, bright but relaxed. Very popular with first time pedigree cat buyers, the Australian Mist is well bred and not extreme in appearance - appealing as essentially cat.

Australian Mist Temperament

The people centredness of Australian Mist contributes to their ability to be wholly indoor pets, and their willingness to remain indoors between dusk and dawn. While it is not possible to alter the inherent behaviours which enable the cat to hunt, these characteristics can be redirected towards interacting with people. Selection is continuing to enhance further these qualities, creating a truly companionable pet, which quickly becomes a member of the family.


Australian Mist are excellent mothers, moderate breeders, and superlative studs. Desexed cats, females and kittens fit in easily with all sorts of other pets. Their conviction that no person or animal could do anything but love them leads to ease of integration with any but the extremely aggressive. Temperament is such that even many males are able to live in small groups with other males. 

Origin of the Australian Mist

These delectable short-haired cats were the brain-child of Dr. Truda Straede (Nintu Cattery) who has developed the breed over the last 40 years.  The Australian Mist have a large gene pool, derived from over 30 foundation cats, half Burmese, and a quarter each Abyssinian and Domestic. Burmese contributed the dilution for the colours, the "laid back" nature, four of the colours and some of the pattern, as well as general size and conformation. From the Abyssinian came the beautiful ticking to develop the pattern, two colours, and a touch of lively intelligence. Domestics contributed to the best spots, but primarily to vigour,with a dose of "uncosseted" cat genes improving teeth, kidneys, mothering qualities, and helping to stabilise litter sizes around the feline average of four. The exciting marbled pattern, accepted as part of the breed in 1997 has "popped up" throughout the development of the breed and is growing in popularity. 


This wholly Australian breed of cat was developed under the very strict regulations of the NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc, and is recognised by governing councils world wide. Sound husbandry and selection, combined with genetic insight, and the perseverance of the experimental breeders has led to a pleasingly uniform, but genetically broadly based population of cats, which are now available to any interested cat buyer.


Australian Mist - General Apperance

There is nothing extreme about Australian Mist, they are of moderate size, medium boned, rounded of head, with large eyes and ears. The coat is short, but resilient, the tail is plumply furred. The colours are warm brown, blue, chocolate, lilac, gold and peach; the pattern is of delicate spots or intricate marbled swirls against a misty ground, with legs and tail ringed and barred, and the face lined. Eyes are large and expressive in a range of greens. The nose, chin and whiskerpads are broad giving the face a generous expression.


Check our listings for Kittens for sale here and click on the links to our breeders below to go to their profile page.  You can also click here to search for Registered Australian Mist Breeders by location.  


Potential health problems in the Australian Mist Cat   

During the development of the breed any new feline DNA tests which became available were used to scan the population, so there are no known / testable health problems.    Light coloured cats are more prone to skin allergic reactions to environmental allergens, and sunburn on face and ears.  

Australian Mist FAQ's

What sort of home, family or person is the Australian Mist breed best suited to?  

Australian Mist are happy to live with anyone who likes a cuddly interactive cat that is reasonably lively as a kitten, but restful in maturity. An excellent pet for children, companion for the home worker and the housebound.   As kittens they are lively, but sober up somewhat on maturity. Their propensity to crawl into the nearest lap with or without invitation, and to constantly hang around to see what people are up to makes them an excellent companion for the home worker, the elderly and less mobile cat lovers. 


Are Australian Mist good with small children, other people, dogs, small animals, and other cats?  

The Australian Mist is excellent with all the above.  They make excellent pets for children, even very young ones, as they are very tolerant of handling, and disinclined to scratch.


Are there any types of homes/lifestyles/situations that don't suit the Australian Mist?

Homes where humans are absent for very long hours are unsuitable, unless another feline companion is available.


Is the Australian Mist an active cat? Do they like to climb and run and would they benefit from or require an outdoor enclosure?

Yes, moderately active, likes to run and climb a bit, would really benefit from access to an outdoor enclosure, and a feline companion. They are also easy to train to harness.


Are Australian Mist content to live an entirely indoor life?

Yes, provided that adequate companionship either human or feline is provided.  A bored cat sleeps all day, then wants to play with its human all night, which isn’t very restful for the human!


If an Australian Mist is left alone for long periods, is it likely to suffer from stress without a companion?

The Mist doesn't tend to stress so much, but boredom can lead to destructive behaviour, either to its environment or itself.  If left unmanaged this can lead to behavioural problems which can be very hard to resolve.


Do Australian Mist have any know inherited problems which may result in unusual or extra veterinary expenses.  If yes, are there any DNA tests for these problems?   

During the development of the breed any new feline DNA tests which became available were used to scan the population, so there are no known / testable defects present. Light coloured cats are more prone to skin allergic reactions to environmental allergens, and sunburn on face and ears.  


Does the Australian Mist have special grooming requirements?

The Mist has no particular grooming requirements other than regular combing to remove dead hair,  keeping nails well trimmed, and by provision of adequate scratching posts.


What is the average price someone can expect to pay for an Australian Mist from a responsible, registered breeder?  

The price for an Australian Mist that includes 2 x vaccinations, microchipping, desexing and a registration certificate from a feline governing body averages $1,500.


Is there anything else that is important for people to know about the Australian Mist? 

They are seriously people centred so must not be deprived of human companionship. However, they do need to be reminded that they are cats, not people, as without adequate leadership from their humans they can become very domineering and attempt to impose their ‘ boss’ mentality on their owners.

Australian Mist are great eaters, and can easily become overweight, with the consequent potential health problems,  so it is important not to leave food out to graze on, but to feed distinct meals, and control their quantity!!


Sincere thanks to Truda Straede for this information and photos  TRUDA'S AUSTRALIAN MIST & MAINE COONS.


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