Feedback & Testimonials


Crystaleye Australian Shepherds

I couldn’t be happier with my Breeder Listing on Perfect Pets - this site works! My statistics and enquiries in just the first two weeks of advertising were great.




Daylesford Country Cottages - Pet Friendly Accommodation

Just a quick little email to say how our listing on your website has increased our enquiries. Thanking you - Yours faithfully, Lindsay -  Daylesford Country Cottages  March, 2016



Tobias Cattery

My profile was placed on the Friday, on Saturday I received my first enquiry and by Sunday the kitten was sold!!!

It doesn't get much better than that.  Thank you for your wonderful site I wish I had come accross it much sooner,and I certainly will be continuing with you after my trial period. Again sincere thanks for your site, and your excellent customer service.  I'm impressed with your commitment,your ideas and you style. I wish you nothing but the best.

Regards Annette Platten - Tobias Cattery  January, 2016



Benglenan Bengals

When I first made contact with Perfect Pets it was very early days. The website was just starting to evolve and didn't have the exposure and publicity it has now.  What was most important to me was your friendly, professional approach and the support you always offered so willingly.  The site is very easy to navigate and quite user-friendly.  I would certainly recommend the Perfect Pets website to other breeders. Glennis -  Benglenan Bengals  October, 2015



Merindalee Abyssinians

Hello, Your site is doing a great job. I have had many inquiries for both Abyssinian Kittens and the cat I have just advertised ....It's wonderful... keep up the good work. Eileen - Merindalee Abyssinians.  August, 2015



Runnymede Ragdolls

I am so happy with your site at Perfect Pets, in only a couple of weeks on the site I have had 3 to 4 enquiries of which has ended in 3 firm sales, I have been on other sites for months on end with very little or no enquiries at all and definitely no sales.  I will be recommending you to everyone I know.  Regards Rose Bryan - Runnymede Ragdolls  May, 2015