Lhasa Apso Puppies For Sale. Lhasa Apso Dog Breeders in ACT

Search results 1 to 15 of 1226
Zaland Lhasa Apso & Pugs2 images
Belinda and Nina are a successful mother & daughter team, an accomplished Owner/Breeder/Exhibitors of Lhasa Apsos for more than 20 years. We are 3rd & 4th generation in a long-standing show family. Breeding many Grand & Supreme Champions ... read more
Rubichi Kennels - Lhasa Apso Breeder - Nth Vic4 images
I have always loved dogs and started to show and breed in 2000 with Chihuahuas. I'm still a big fan of the breed but have now moved on to the beautiful Lhasa Apso. My first Lhasa litter was in March 2013 with a HUGE 11 pups.

I also do dog ... read more
Mysticrafael Lhasa Apso's - Pakenham, VIC1 image
ANKC registered Lhasa Apso Breeder. Home of the Black Lhasa Apso. Mysticrafael Lhasa Apsos is a small boutique kennel in Melbourne, Victoria. We have a huge love for Lhasa Apso's and have quite a few show dogs from our kennel in show homes who are ... read more
Mykito - Lhasa Apso Breeder, Gold Coast QLD4 images
We at Mykito have owned and showed and bred Lhasa Apso's for over 35 years. They are raised in our house with our family and children. Breeding golds and particolours.

Mykito Lhasa Apso's are privileged to announce the arrival of our latest litter. ... read more
Laprada Llasa Apso1 image
Contact : Lisa
Laprada Llasa Apso - Westdale, WA
Fully Verified ANKC / Dogs West Registered Llasa Apso Breeder
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Snowdara Samoyeds, Siberian Huskies and Lhasas1 image
Sowdara Samoyeds, Siberian Huskies and Lhasa Apso. Home to some super special show dogs and some super Lazy pets!
Breeding, Showing & Grooming.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our dogs. Breed type/temperament and purpose of the breed has ... read more

The following results relate to all pets and may be helpful

Landmark Cocker Spaniels - American Cocker Spaniel Breeder - Canberra, ACT1 image
American Cocker Spaniel Breeder - that shows dogs and is active in agility / obedience training. read more
Wynion Welsh Springer Spaniels2 images
Welsh Springer Spaniel Puppies! Haven't heard of them? Well listen up!

They are an amazing all round family dog. They have very few health problems, beautiful coats that are easy to maintain, and natures that are hard to beat. With puppies that ... read more
I am a breeder of Akitas and previously bred Cocker Spaniels, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and other breeds since 1972.

I am also an international All breed judge and have been judging since 1985.
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Daminabul Miniature Bull Terriers - Canberra, ACT2 images
Daminabul Bull Terrier Miniatures is a small Canberra based kennel breeding for health and conformation to the ANKC breed standard.

Contact: Katarina
Daminabul Miniature Bull Terriers - Canberra, ACT
Fully Verified ANKC / Dogs ACT Registered ... read more
Pomfire Pomeranians3 images
My mission is to breed exceptionally healthy dogs - always as pets first, but also for the show ring to promote the breed (and I have a lot of fun doing that!). Pomeranians are gorgeous, intelligent, and very trainable dogs - every interaction is a ... read more
Monteba Cavalier King Charles Spaniels4 images
At Monteba Cavaliers, we are passionate about raising and nurturing exceptional Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in a loving and caring environment.
Our goal is to bring joy to families by providing them with healthy, happy, and well-socialised ... read more
Hillmagic German Shepherd Breeder - Queanbeyan, NSW1 image
We are selective breeders and only use quality dogs and bitches. We do this to improve on the already great lines within Australia.
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Jumble Farm - Michelago NSW2 images
NEXT LITTER: Hercules and Demeter, due September 2022. Please complete an expression of interest form, to be considered to join our puppy waitlist (available on the web page).

ABOUT US: We are a pedigree breeder of Maremma Sheepdogs on a farm ... read more
Trucolours - Toy Poodle Breeder - Canberra, ACT1 image
ANKC registered breeder. Our dogs are much loved members of our family - highly intelligent and with beautiful temperaments.

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